Why Investing in Your Business is the Key to Success

hannah, a photography mentor , holds a canon dslr out while sitting behind her laptop

I’m sorry to tell ya girl, but there is no secret to success. Success looks different for everyone and so do the steps it takes to get there. BUT, in my time as a business owner there has been one thing that has always MORE than paid off and brought me closer to where I want to be.

There is a lot of truth inside the saying “You have to spend money to make money”. It may have been coined by a playwright centuries ago (I googled it) , but it is still just as true. Putting money back into your business is the risk you have to take to get to where you want to be.

It may be scary, it may be overwhelming, it may seem counterintuitive at times, but you have to do it.

Investing in Your Business Should be Scary

You have to do the scary thing to see the scary good growth.

If the idea of investing scares you, you are exactly where you need to be. Doing it even though you are scared is what makes you a good business owner.

Investing in your business even when it is scary shows that you are ready to see growth and ready to show up to better your business.

Honestly, I would be concerned if you weren’t scared. I don’t know about you, but if I am making a low value investment (inexpensive + low energy) I am WAY less invested in the outcome. When you make those big, high ticket investments you are going to do what you need to do to get the value out of it.

More often than not, you are going to walk away from your investment with a much better business and as a much better person than when you walked into it. Scary investments will bring you peace (and in 2023, we ain’t got time to be stressing over things that don’t matter!!).

a woman types with her laptop in her lap as she sits on a canvas drop cloth next to her camera and some baby's breath

“Investing in your business even when it is scary shows that you are ready to see growth and ready to show up to better your business.”


My Experience Investing in my Photography Business

I have invested in my business in so many ways. In photography mentoring, workshops, online courses, and with looooottttsssss of my time. Using free resources is a low cost way to invest—but it takes your time. There are an insane amount of educational podcasts and youtube videos out there that can teach you just about anything. Those are amazing and beyond helpful—use them. The thing is, they probably won’t be able to take you all the way.

I’m living proof of the power of investing. I have actively applied all of my knowledge and watched my business model flourish right in front of my eyes. The change has allowed me to better serve myself and my clients.

When you invest money in your business, you actually put into action the value of your investment. You are invested in the results. They may not be instant, but they will come.

a woman types on the laptop in her lap with a camera resting in front of her

“When you invest money in your business, you actually put into action the value of your investment. You are invested in the results. They may not be instant, but they will come.”

hannah, a photography mentor, stands holding an instax camera

Why I Launched Photography Mentoring + Lightroom Workflow

After almost 6 years in the photography business, I knew it was time to help other photographers grow their businesses too. I have learned SO much, and have so much more to learn. We all have a lot to learn from each other. We will always be continuing to learn.

Through that process, I want to be a powerful resource to my community of photographers. I developed a unique structure for photography mentoring that has already been able to wildly help some talented photographers to bring some extra efficiency to their business.

a woman holds out a canon dslr and a bundle of baby's breath

Photography Mentoring

My photography mentoring is a completely custom process. We dive into business organization, client experience, pricing structures, finances, contracts, websites + social media marketing, and so much more.

What makes it so unique, is that we go over YOUR business. Where you struggle, what you love and what you don’t, and what could use some upgrades. There is no one size fits all. THEN, I adjust what we will work on to take your backend from a bit of a mess to TOTALLY OBSESSED. You won’t even believe the amount of things that were holding you back (and they are usually easy fixes).

This is a 1 on 1 virtual or in-person coaching session. Read more about photography mentoring!

a photographer sits with a laptop on her lap while wearing a green sweatshirt that has "shoot cull edit export" embroidered

Lightroom Workflow

Understanding not only how to edit, but photo organization and the editing process has made a huge difference in the way my business operates.

A few years ago, I worked with clients 1 on 1 with Lightroom and hosted a class of 8+ people. I could immediately see how helpful this was for all of them. We sat beside each other and deeply went into not only editing, but how to organize photos so that you always have what you need and don’t spend extra hours digging for photos.

I have spent years narrowing down and perfecting my own Lightroom workflow. It is amazing the difference it makes in keeping your business run smoothly. Discover the Lightroom workflow magic.

a woman looks down at the dslr she holds in her lap

Investing in Photography Mentoring

Investing in photography mentoring is the most effective way to level up your business (and yourself!). The weight that is lifted off of your shoulders when you can run the backend of your business with confidence is startling. You will feel calm, capable, and ready to flourish.

Within the first month of my mentorship launch, I have helped 4 photographers flourish in their businesses. And this is JUST the beginning! Read about a few of their experiences below!


Don’t take my word for it…

10/10 recommend Hannah’s photographer mentorship! I recently had a mentorship with Hannah and I’m blown away! Hannah was so thoughtful and helpful! She gave me such good tips and inspiration for my business. She truly cares about her mentorship’s and puts a lot of work into helping you with your photography business!
— Kazia
a camera and various lenses and flash equipment rest on a canvas with bundles of baby's breath
a woman types on her laptop as she sits on a canvas dropcloth with a camera next to her
WOW WOW WOW! I can not recommend Hannah and her photography mentoring enough! Girl knows her stuff and is able to teach it in a way that makes sense! You’ll leave your mentorship feeling MOTIVATED with ACTIONABLE steps that you can use to UP-LEVEL your business immediately!

As a new photographer, I felt completely clueless when it came to Lightroom and all it was capable of! Hannah sat down with me, computer to computer, and helped me to understand Lightroom basics, gave me tips and tricks, and helped me to create a workflow that I utilize every time I open Lightroom! If you’re a photographer feeling overwhelmed by Lightroom, I can not recommend this service enough! The knowledge and confidence you’ll gain is priceless!
— Kylie

Want a lower risk investment (but still that bang for your buck)???

Get a posing guide! It will give you some extra confidence going into each shoot and bring a new level of creativity and inspiration to your shoots.

Add that thang to your cart ASAP!

Senior Posing Guide
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Branding Posing Guide
Sale Price: $10.99 Original Price: $21.99
Couple's Posing Guide
Sale Price: $10.99 Original Price: $21.99

The Yoga Projekt Brand Photography


In-Studio Aesthetic Photoshoot